A sex offender from a village near Selby is among four York and North Yorkshire people sentenced recently by magistrates. 

Rahman Mahbub, 31, of Tennyson Avenue, Clifton, pleaded guilty to cocaine driving in Manchester and possessing cocaine. He was banned from driving for 18 months and given a 12-month community order with 60 hours’ unpaid work and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Samuel Eady, 29, of Barlow near Selby, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman in London. He was given a two-year community order at Bromley Magistrates Court with a 35-day rehabilitative programme, 40 days’ rehabilitative activities and 150 hours’ unpaid work. He must pay the woman £200 compensation and register as a sex offender for five years.

Two defendants appeared together before Leeds Magistrates Court.

Hayley Bishop, 38, of Burnholme Avenue, Tang Hall, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis with intent to supply it to others and was given a 12-month community order with 10 days’ rehabilitative activities and 120 hours’ unpaid work and must pay £85 prosecution costs and a £95 statutory surcharge.

Stuart Pennington-Smith, 43, of Raylands Lane, Middleton, Leeds, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cannabis. He was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £128 statutory surcharge.