A collection of over 70 scooters and motorbikes took to the streets in York.

The York Inset Scooter Club hosted their "Show n Shine" event in Grape Lane yesterday (August 3).

The event, which saw Grape Lane close from 10.30am until 5pm, welcomed a combination of scooters and high-speed motorbikes.

The day began with the York Civic Party voting on their favourite scooter and motorbike, with the prizes presented by Normandy veteran, and the clubs honorary president: Ken Cooke.

Nick Beilby, one of the committee members at the scooter club, and organisers of the event said: "This event has been held for at least the last 12 years and we raise money for local charities.

Vehicles from across Yorkshire were on show (Image: Harry Booth)

"One of our favourite charities is Snappy, and we often raise money for them.

"Today we've had the Snappy team here with us which has been fantastic."

Snappy - or The Snappy Trust - is a York based charity dedicated to supporting development of children and young people with a variety of disabilities.

Nick added: "We're an unusual scooter club in the sense that we have as many biker members as we do scooterists - it's all about being on two wheels.

"We've had visitors from Scarborough, Leeds, as well as our own members.

"In total we counted 71 vehicles which is really good."

A combination of 71 motorbikes and scooters made up the event (Image: Harry Booth)

Nick said that the visitors and passers-by were a range of young and old.

"We've had lots of interest, for a lot of people it rekindles memories, and for the younger ones it interests them and gives them something they may not have considered before.

"I think for us it's good to make people aware of York Inset Scooter Club and what we actually do other than ride around on scooters and bikes - we're actually involved in the community.

"We're lucky that the Civic Party came and visited, they judged the best motorbike and the best scooter.

"Both got an award presented by our club president - York's one remaining Normandy veteran - Ken Cooke."

Members delighted in showing visitors the bikes and scooters (Image: Harry Booth)

"It's been a lovely day because the suns shone, everyone's had a good time and gone home with a smile.

"And if we've raised a decent sum for Snappy that will do a lot of good for a lot of people."

Speaking at the event, the soon to be 99-years-old Ken Cooke, said: "I've been associated with them for 15 years now.

"Today, I've come down to support them in what is a great day."

"Nick arranges all sort of different things where we all get together and I said to him; if he wasn't keeping me active I probably wouldn't be here.

"The things he's done has kept me busy and kept my brain turning over."