It is easy, after the horrendous events in Southport, and when watching TV, listening to the news, reading the papers, observing the internet and taking in world events, to think that everything and everybody is evil.

But there is more good than bad. Most people are decent, caring, hard working folk, who observe the laws. The outpouring of help from both within and outside Southport clearly show this.

Musicians, choirs, community centres, churches, mosques, firemen, police, health workers and many, many more folk have already performed great acts of genuine assistance for that grieving area.

If only the media of all types and persuasions would tell us about more of the truly good things so many people do and say, we would all benefit.

David Quarrie, Lynden Way, Holgate, York

Hope is ordinary people

Pandora’s box was opened on the streets of our country over the last week. Following the terrible knife attack on young children at a Taylor Swift theme-dance class party in Southport the ensuing hate rioting has spread like a forest fire throughout the land.

The lasting memories that I will remember most from this period, however, is not the terrible murders of the children, or the violence and destruction aimed at the police and public property that followed, or the racist elements of the morons involved.

No, the thing that I’ll remember from this summer of discontent is the ordinary people in the street after the violence who all pulled together to re-establish some sort of normality in their neighbourhood, helping everybody in their area, irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion.

I see in these ordinary people hope for the future. That will be my everlasting memories of this sad time.

DM Deamer, Monkgate, York