A TEENAGER who broke a man’s face in two places and temporarily blinded him in one eye has been warned he could kill someone if he doesn’t change his ways.

Daniel Gill already had a “dangerous” record for violence before, aged 16, he repeatedly kicked the victim on the ground, leaving him with long-term injuries, York Crown Court heard. While awaiting sentence for that, he was locked up for eight months for having an imitation taser and other offences.

David Hall, prosecuting, said Gill also kicked a woman and attacked a second man during the street incident in the run-up to Christmas 2022.

Gill, now 18, of Sands Lane, Bridlington, pleaded guilty to one charge of causing grievous bodily harm and two charges of causing actual bodily harm. Because he was 17 when he pleaded guilty he was given a detention and training order, of 24 months, the maximum possible.

“I fear what the future holds for you,” the Recorder of York, Judge Sean Morris, told him. “You are going to have to learn to control your temper. You have a hair trigger, and it will get you into more or more trouble.”

When he had been a barrister, he had represented “many, many” young men like Gill.

“Some of them went on to murder because they didn’t learn to control themselves and you don’t want to be facing a life sentence one day.”

Defence solicitor advocate Neal Kutte said Gill apologised for his actions which had happened when he had been drinking. “There is an element perhaps, he can’t really express it, of showing off to other people.”

Mr Hall said Gill had previous convictions for possessing offensive weapons, harassment, causing actual bodily harm and assaults. “It is a thoroughly dangerous record,” he said.

In the early hours of December 10, 2022, Gill was part of a group of five, one of whom called an insulting word to the three victims who were walking together in the opposite direction on West Avenue, Filey.

The second male victim, believing the group contained someone he knew, crossed the street towards Gill’s group and was punched by Myles Coe, one of Gill’s friends.

The first male victim tried to separate everyone, but was punched to the ground where Gill kicked him in the head, causing fractures near one eye socket and on his cheek, said Mr Hall.

In a personal statement, the first male victim told the court he was temporarily blinded in one eye, had difficulty eating, had long-lasting pain, had had to take a month off work and the after effects prevented him from working fully on his return as well as affecting his personal life and well being.

The woman told the court that she had long-term physical effects that lasted for at least a year, particularly near her eye, and it had affected her psychologically as well.

Mr Kutte said Gill had shown “small changes” for the better since the attack and was now at a crucial time of his life.

• Miles Coe, 19, of Princess Royal Terrace, Scarborough, pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm to the second male victim and a separate charge of possessing cocaine with intent to supply it to others. He was given a 22-month prison sentence suspended for two years on condition he does 280 hours’ unpaid work, a 26-session rehabilitative programme and 24 days’ rehabilitative activities.