If you love perusing independent shops stocking antiques and vintage items, this new trail includes 30 shops making it one of the largest clusters of antique stores in the north of England.

All within easy walking distance of each other, in and around Scarborough’s historic town centre, stocking thousands of stylish and useful objects as well as furniture, vinyl, clothes, books and mid-century furniture, the Trail makes it easy to find each shop.

Just by pointing your phone camera at the QR codes in any of the shops on the trail, the link will show you on Google Maps where all the shops are located.

Whilst Scarborough is already a top destination for culture, music, festivals (not forgetting the seaside), it’s also got a vibrant indie shop scene with many original and creative stores for special presents, rare collectibles or something you never thought you might need.

With knowledgeable and passionate owners, it’s a great way to spend a long weekend.

Marie of Harry’s located in St. Helen’s Square said:

“We are proud to be part of the Trail and look forward to seeing many new faces in Harry’s. Our stock changes all the time and there is always something beautiful but affordable …”

Fay from The Vintage Window on St Nicholas Place said:

“We have lots of customers who don’t know where to find the other shops so this Trail is a great idea to ensure that bargain hunters have the best possible choice when they come to Scarborough…”

Richard Grunwell, Chair of Scarborough Town Centre Team said:

“Scarborough has a busy town centre and this Trail makes it easy to find the other shops, to check when they are open and what they specialise in. With over 30 shops to choose from, visitors can stay overnight, go to a show and make a weekend of it”.

Scarborough Antiques & Vintage Trail is delivered by This is Scarborough, a web site that has been established by Scarborough Town Team to raise the profile and brand identity of the town. Over the next 12 months it will deliver further Trails as well as information helping to attract inward investment and business growth across Scarborough.

Go to www.thisisscarborough.org.uk to try out the trail. You never know what you may find. Happy hunting.