A YORK landmark is giving visitors the chance to experience panoramic views of the city by sunset.

Clifford’s Tower in York has extended its opening hours every Tuesday until the end of the Summer season. This will allow visitors to catch a rare view of sunset over the city, something that should appeal to budding photographers and view seekers alike.

According to site manager Julie Brookes, the idea first came about earlier this year when the staff decided to open Clifford’s Tower for people to watch the sunset over York for summer solstice.


Following on from the success of that night, the team decided to open the site for sunset on Tuesdays for the rest of Summer – giving those who may have missed the longest day of the year a chance to enjoy a late-night sunset whilst the weather stays beautiful.

She said: “The tower provides superb views across the city and this year we have had some great sunsets which have looked particularly spectacular.”

Clifford’s Tower was originally built as a wooden tower by William the Conqueror and was one of two castles intended to give a better vantage point for surveillance over the fledging city.

As the civilization grew, the castle was rebuilt in stone, cementing its status as a key fortification, and remained an important asset until 1929. It was the site of one of the worst antisemitic massacres of the Middle Ages and was a key battleground in the Siege of York in 1644.

Nowadays, the site offers a view across the city from its newly refurbished roof and a look into its history with soundscapes and stories on the inside of the tower.

Tickets can be bought at Clifford's Tower or booked in advance on their website.