Why, when achieving power, do politicians consider the virtues of logic and common sense to be irrelevant.

To remedy a non-existent ‘black hole’ in the economy, Labour decide to let ten million pensioners shiver their way through the forthcoming winter, whilst continuing to throw away over £200bn per year supporting numerous useless ‘money spongers’ otherwise known as government Quangos whose overall contribution to the nation’s wellbeing is rated around 10 out of 100.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby


Thank you for nothing, Rachel Reeves

Thank you R Reeves. I was on pension credit until it was found that I had paid married women’s tax.

Things should be sorted out. It was so pleasing to receive a few extra pounds in my pension.

Now I’m worse off. I have to pay dental fees etc and I shall lose my heating allowance.

Never mind, I’m well into my 80s so -----!

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