There must be thousands of people who, like me, think that the recent riots in our towns and cities are nothing more than a bunch of brain-dead idiots contemptuously using the murder and maiming of innocents by a British subject as an excuse to ‘protest’ (and I use the word loosely) against ‘illegal immigration’.

Pounds to peanuts there will be loads of letters rightly condemning these actions. But, I wonder, will there be any defending them? I would be really interested to see if anyone out there actually tries to justify these outrages.

Name and address supplied


Politicians treating the public with contempt is what fuelled riots

The fuse for the problems with violence and thuggery was started during the General election.

All parties concentrated on was name-calling and making false claims, usually fuelled by the media. The big mistake was that they treated the British public with contempt.

All this fuelled dissent in the right wing of the country. Unfortunately the deaths of three innocent children created the fuse to be lit and rioting is the result.

The new Government also created more problems by totally breaking all their promises they made before the election. All the cabinet, including the Prime Minister, are totally out of their depth. What they have forgotten is the middle-aged and elder population, who will listen to good policies but will not be dictated to.

This country is not a dictatorship and if they continue as they are they will make Liz Truss look like a long stayer.

T J Ryder, Acomb, York


Can’t we all just live together?

When I was in my teens, back in the 1950s, I strongly believed that if all nationalities and religions throughout the world were mixed and integrated there would be peace on earth.

How wrong I was. Why can’t we all just learn to live together peacefully? After all, beneath our skins, whatever colour, we are all the same.

Mary Morton, Hob Moor Drive, Holgate, York