FOURTEEN affordable homes are recommended for approval in a York suburb.

The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust seeks to demolish two garage courts on land west of 1-8 Garthway , and build the homes there.

A meeting of City of York Council’s planning committee is set to determine the application on Thursday August 15, which features 7 pairs of semis-detached houses. Six would be two-bed and eight would be three-bed, with parking for 26 cars.

New Earswick Parish Council opposes the scheme due to a lack of detail concerning heat pumps and EV charging.

Five letters of objection also note demolishing the garages will worsen parking problems in the area as there may not be enough replacement garages for those using the garages facing demolition. The trust also has a further similar scheme in New Earswick, for homes on the site of existing garages.


However, the planners conclude the scheme being all-affordable housing provided by a Registered Social Housing Provider meets national and local planning policy and such benefits would outweigh any harm from it.

The proposed design and layout of the scheme was appropriate to the area and whilst removing the garages would inconvenience their users, there would be no unacceptable impact on highway safety