CLIMATE protesters have criticised the ‘backyard-sized space’ they claim to have been ‘designated’ as they gathered around 3pm opposite a power station in North Yorkshire today (August 11).

As reported in The Press, Drax Power Station near Selby had been identified as the site of a protest camp taking place between August 8 and August 13.

Last month, the power station secured an injunction against the threat of environmental protests and earlier this week (August 7 and August 8), police made 22 arrests for public order offences and extra stop and search powers around the site and including Selby were authorised.

Organising group ‘Reclaim the Power’ issued a statement today.

It said: “Hundreds of people seeking to raise awareness have had to downsize to a few people in a backyard-sized space, as police seize essential equipment.

“Despite this, a number of people are gathering with banners, sending a clear message to Drax about their intentions to continue awareness raising.”

A Drax spokesperson said: “We respect everyone’s right to peaceful protest and welcome further efforts to raise the profile of the devastating impact of climate change.

“However, as Drax has been at the forefront of efforts to help the UK to decarbonise at a faster rate than any other country, we feel any targeting of our business during this climate protest is completely misguided.”

A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: “North Yorkshire Police and British Transport Police are working on a joint operation at Drax Power Station.

“A small number of protesters have gathered outside the power station entrance.

“The right to peaceful protest is an important part of UK democracy and we are engaging with demonstrators to ensure that the protest remains lawful.”