Dr Marmion (‘This is how the left punish those who voted Brexit’, Letters, August 10) suffers from muddled thinking.

What does he expect the elected government to do when faced with mindless thuggery and racism? There is a big difference between peaceful protests and the rioting we witnessed in this country.

In regard to punishing Brexiteers, they along with the rest of us now suffer the self-inflicted wound caused by leaving the EU, which has pushed up costs to business and the general pubic.

Gordon H Hopwood, Osbaldwick


Let the past become history

The comments of anti-racism campaigner Haddy Njie (The Press, August 9) cannot go unchallenged.

I am blessed with two nieces with African heritage. These girls were born and brought up in York.

The claim of widespread virulent racism in this city must be questioned because my nieces have never experienced any prejudice or suggestions they are not British. On the contrary, they are universally admired as beautiful individuals enjoying distinct advantages as a direct result of their mixed ethnicity.

It is not possible to change history. No one alive today is responsible for injustice centuries ago.

Rather than perpetuate grievances from long ago a more adult view would be to say: whatever happened in the past we are all here now in a free society where everyone is equal under the law and everyone has a chance to make something of their lives.

Name and address supplied