'My a-Maze-ing first weeks as York Outer's first Labour MP' - new Press column by York Outer MP Luke Charters

IT’S been an incredibly busy first few weeks since being elected last month, so I am really pleased to have been given this monthly Press column to reflect on my time as the first-ever Labour Member of Parliament for York Outer.

Being able to serve York Outer as your Member of Parliament is the greatest privilege of my life. I am grateful for all of those who put their trust in me, and Labour, especially for the first time.

I’ve been busy in Parliament asking questions to Ministers on farming support, to interventions in the Chamber on the importance of being a full-time MP.

Labour has already made a difference and we have begun the first steps to undo the 14 years of chaos the Tories brought to our country.

We have already removed the ban on onshore wind, introduced the bill that will bring trains back into public ownership and outlined our plans to crack down on the water companies.

In my maiden speech, I spoke about the outstanding state education I received at Huntington School which helped me achieve my potential and go to on to university. A special mention went to my religious studies teacher, Robin Parmiter, who I named my son after. It was only right that my first visit as the MP was to Huntington School.

I also spoke about how my dad was an apprentice that helped rebuild York Minster after the fire in 1984. I attended the Yorkshire Day service at the Minster recently, so it was a nice reminder of the part he played in restoring it.

On the same day, I visited Rosevale Care Home, where my grandma was lovingly cared for. It was lovely to see Jenny again, who cared for my grandma for a long time and we recalled bringing in some cake from my wedding for the staff years ago! The staff and residents were so welcoming, possibly due to the Parkin that I bought them. I am so proud to be Yorkshire born and bred, so it was lovely to spend the day with strong Yorkshire folk.

I paid tribute to all our incredible NHS staff who work tirelessly, their service does not go unnoticed. My family have depended on our local NHS many times, and I am pleased that there have already been improvements in the outlook for the NHS.

York Outer MP Luke Charters at the York 10k. Photo suppliedYork Outer MP Luke Charters at the York 10k. Photo supplied

As many of you may know, my wife is a school teacher in the constituency, and knows the damage that has been done to the education system. Labour is already getting on with reforming education and will make a difference to children across the country.

Given my background in working for the Bank of England and The Financial Conduct Authority on fighting financial fraud, I am really pleased to be on the All Party Parliamentary Group for Fair Banking, and the APPG Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax. I was pleased that Rachel Reeves confirmed to me in the House of Commons that the Covid Corruption Commissioner will be appointed, following a question to her in the House.

As Parliament has been in recess it has been nice to spend time across the constituency. I’ve met with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust at Askham Bog and learnt about the “no-fence” cow collars and the fact that it is one of the most ecologically rich areas in Yorkshire! I visited York Maze to talk about how the government can support our agricultural attractions, which we are lucky to have so many of in York Outer.

My team clearly thought that I needed to get more steps in, post-election, so signed me up for the York 10K without me knowing. It was great to run around our beautiful city for such an important cause. I’m looking forward to many more visits before Parliament sits again, but hope they’ll be less strenuous!

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen disorder break out across the country. I was especially proud to lead on a cross party letter signed by political representatives across York. At times like this, we must stand together and not let hate divide us.

During the campaign I promised to be the accessible and open MP that York Outer deserves which is why I have already hosted events open to constituents for them to meet with me.

My first “Chat with Charters” at Haxby Bakehouse was a real success and I will be hosting one every month as a way to meet residents and hear about any issues they have. It’s a great way to try lots of the fantastic food establishments we have across the constituency!

I’ll be hosting monthly advice surgeries rotating around the constituency in wheelchair accessible venues. I am hosting my first one in Dunnington on Saturday, September 7, 10am to1pm. If you live in or near Dunnington and would like to come along please email my team on luke.charters.mp@parliament.uk

Slots will be allocated based on need and if you are given a slot it will be confirmed by email or letter. Looking ahead, I am excited to see the positive difference a Labour government will make to residents in York and across the country.

Finally, I want to thank everyone for their patience while I have been setting my constituency office from scratch. I am pleased that we are almost up and running and have already been helping constituents with casework.