AN EVENING of conversation with an inspiring author takes place in Malton next week.

Wendy Pratt is an author, poet and editor living on the North Yorkshire coast. She has written five collections of poetry with When I Think of My Body as a Horse winning the Poetry Business Book and Pamphlet award in 2020.

Wendy will be at Kemps in Malton on Wednesday, August 21, at 7.30 pm to talk about The Ghost Lake - her first non-fiction book.

The Ghost Lake is a deeply personal, lyrical and stirring meditation on local history and changing landscape inspired by paleolake Flixton, an extinct lake in North Yorkshire. Human occupation of the site dates back thousands of years to pre-historic times, but over the millennia, the vast lake has disappeared with only a watermark remaining today.

The Ghost Lake combines nature writing with memoir, and an exploration of grief and belonging. Wendy will take her audience on a pilgrimage around this ghost lake, to locations that have acted as journey markers in her own life.

Liz Kemps, from Kemps in Malton said: "This event will be perfect for lovers of local history and memoirs. Join us for an evening of insightful conversation discussing Wendy’s book."

General Admission £7. General Admission plus a copy of The Ghost Lake £16.99 (RRP £16.99)

Unreserved seating. Book online or in the shop. A booking fee will apply to online purchases - to avoid this please book in the shop.

For more information go to