Riots tell us it's time to have a referendum on immigration

IN response to Mr Hopwood’s question as to what else the government could do in response to the riots, the answer is simple; they could pause, think, start understanding why they came about and tackle the root cause.

So here’s a radical far right idea for consideration, put the long standing question of immigration into this country to a direct, legally binding, stuff the objections of the Supreme Court, referendum.

Because any population ignored for long enough is always going snap, with the inevitable mess we see on the streets as the result.

It’s curious that when the mob toppled the tone-deaf government in Bangladesh this month the rest of the world cheered them on.

Would anybody naively tell the Chinese they should only use peaceful and legal means to gain their freedom?

The world doesn’t change simply because people ask nicely for what they want, which is such a British way of trying to do things. So there’s my peaceful, British solution to the problem, let’s vote on it.

Or shall we let the problem continue to fester under a government policy of enforced silence?

Dr Scott Marmion,




A leap into equal opportunities for all A Level students

EVERY year at this time I and many others I’m sure, look forward eagerly to the photos of leaping young women, clutching their A-Level results.

This year, however, has been a major disappointment to those of us who appreciate this original contribution to photo-journalism.

First, one of your photos includes leaping young men.

Have you gone ‘woke’, as I believe the current jargon has it? Second, and perhaps even more alarmingly, both this year’s leaping portrayals feature private sector school students (Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate and The Mount).

Does this mean that the state sector no longer teaches students to leap?

Is this the result of Tory cutbacks, soon to be remedied by our incoming Labour Government? Or has there been an edict from the new government prohibiting leaping in the state sector?

I hope you will put your top investigative team on to this matter, so that next year we can confidently expect levelled-up (as well, I suppose, as the inevitable equal opportunities) leaping.

Steven Burkeman,

Derwent Way,




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