A SENIOR official who worked on major projects such as the York Railway Station Gateway scheme and on delivering the city’s £100m flood defences is to leave City of York Council at the end of the month.

Neil Ferris will leave his role as the authority’s Corporate Director of Place on August 27.

Thanking Mr Ferris for his decade of service to the council, the authority’s chief operating officer Ian Floyd said: “Neil and his teams have delivered significant achievements for the city in the time he has spent at the council.

“Just a few highlights include getting the Housing Delivery Programme underway and completing the Guildhall refurbishment, to working with partnerships to start the infrastructure of York Central, the Station Gateway and delivering £100m flood defences, as well as progressing the Local Plan and improvements to the outer ring road.

“He has made a huge contribution to the city and colleagues join me in thanking Neil and wishing him all the very best for the future.”

Cllr Pete Kilbane, the deputy leader of City of York Council, added: “I’d like to thank Neil for his contribution to the city.

“York is a unique place and Neil has played his own part in helping to deliver good public services, while also planning for the future York and the new homes, infrastructure and quality public spaces that will ensure it remains special for a great many years to come.

“We wish him well for the future”.