York BID is seeking volunteers to rejuvenate York city centre on September 10, 12 , and 18 across Lendal, Museum Street, George Hudson Street, Dame Judi Dench Walk and the surrounding areas.

The move follows earlier ‘rejuvenation days’ in January and May, where York BID worked with 100 volunteers to clean and repaint around 450 pieces of street furniture, including tired-looking benches, bike racks, bollards, bins, and other street furniture across a variety of York’s public spaces.

The initiative stems from bi-monthly meetings of the Cleaning and Rejuvenation Partners, which includes York BID, City of York Council, York Civic Trust, Make It York, and York High Street Forum, who identify city centre infrastructure needing attention.


The BID Street Cleaning team hot wash the areas, clean off stickers and posters, before giving street furniture a lick of paint.

Carl Alsop, Operations Manager at York BID, said: “These kinds of projects can often go under the radar; however, they make such a difference in the city and at the areas that need it most. We enjoy working with partners across the city and are proud to return this autumn to make York even smarter than ever before.”

To take part email info@theyorkbid.com