A YORK MP has said she is "proud" of her links to unions after details of donations received by her emerged.

Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central, along with other MPs, declared donations and gifts in the recently published Register of Members' Financial Interests.

In the register, the Labour politician disclosed that she had received donations from two trade unions worth £9,000 in total.

The post-election donations - both registered on July 10 - came from Unite the Union and the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers.

Meanwhile, York Outer MP Luke Charters, had no payments on the register.


There was confirmation that he was no longer employed as a senior manager working in fraud and compliance.

Ms Maskell told The Press: "The Labour Party grew out of the trade unions to take forward the interests of working people.

"Today trade unions remain the foundations of our party, a link I am so proud of. Trade unions have always made donations to local Labour Parties to support elections, and I am proud of my long association with the RMT, Unite and all unions.

"I was the head of health at Unite for many years, taking forward their work to improve working conditions for staff and ensuring the NHS remained in the hands of the state, not private companies.

"It is these values which shape my politics today."