The York Food Festival is seeking volunteers for the event which takes place next month.

The popular festival takes place in Parliament Street during September 20-29 with a variety of food stalls and bars.

Organisers have launched the appeal just as the programme for the festival is about to go live.

A spokesman said: “The most popular volunteer activity is teaching in our hands-on "Food Factory." We’ll train you to make pasta, bread, butter, dips, and more with children or family groups. It's a rewarding experience, and you’ll be helping to inspire the next generation of food enthusiasts!”


These classes, which expect to attract 1,000 children over the festival, will take part in Museum Gardens, and St. Crux Hall.

In addition, the not-for-profit festival seeks people to help with charity collections during the live music evenings; introducing chefs and guiding audiences through cooking demonstrations, serving in the cafes and bars and collecting data from festival goers.

The spokesman continued: “Not only will you gain new skills, but you'll also have the opportunity to use our resources after the event for your own initiatives. Whether it’s teaching or training, any experience is welcome, though a calm and patient attitude is essential. Remember, children are always supervised by their parents, guardians, or schools.”

To volunteer, go to: