Many of York’s historic snickleways will soon be cleaner, lighter and safer thanks to a new initiative from York BID.

The business group has submitted a series of planning applications to City of York Council to install permanent festoon lighting for six snickleways.

They will also undergo a deep clean, receive cigarette bins, with some receiving artistic murals to explain their historic significance.

The snickleways to benefit include Popes Head Alley,  Le Kyrk Alley,  Nether Hornpot Lane,  Finkle Street,  Coffee Yard and Lunds Court.


The York Snickleways Project is supported by grants from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Safer York Business Partnership, and York Civic Trust.

It follows consultation on the scheme early this year and the project being listed in the coming year’s BID programme and announced at its recent AGM.

The project, set to be delivered this autumn, follows an earlier festoon lighting scheme on Peter Lane as part of the York BID Winter Lights programme.

It follows other BID projects to smarten up the city, such as its ‘rejuvenation days’ where streets and street feature receive a deep clean and lick of paint, and working with police and the hospitality sector, amid others, to help create a safer York.

(Image: pic supplied)

York Snickleways involves fixing lights to a raft of listed buildings, so Listed Building Consent is being sought for 9 and 10 High Ousegate, 11 and 12 High Ousegate; 21 Davygate, 19 Grape Lane, 21 Grape Lane, Barley Hall, 83 Low Petergate and 87 Low Petergate.

Planning documents submitted to City of York Council said: ““Snickelways” is a term coined by York Civic Trust to cover the city’s snickets, ginnels and alleyways. 

“Following an environmental audit by North Yorkshire Police, York BID propose to improve lighting in the snickelways to make these pedestrian routes safer and more attractive throughout the day and night. 

“As part of this, it is intended to remove unnecessary trade waste, clean pavements, install cigarette bins and install artwork explaining the history of some of these spaces.

“The proposal is to install LED festoon lighting as this would provide a continuous safe light source throughout the year.  Lighting will be on day and night, to allow for darker days in the winter and will zig-zag across snickleways.”

The applications say that before the plans were submitted, York BID and other partners discussed its ambitions with Conservation Officers at City of York Council.

“It has been agreed to omit lighting from more sensitive listed buildings, and because the lighting will be permanent (as opposed to the temporary nature of the Winter Lights), it has been advised that Listed Building Consent should be sought.”

The applications also concluded: “As these are decorative lights (and not street lighting) it is not considered that the lighting of these snickelways will negatively impact the amenity of local residents.  Indeed, the aim of the project is to increase feelings of security and reduce anti-social behaviour in these areas.”