Government departments must confer on immigration

The Government has said that they are releasing prisoners early to make space for those arrested in the recent riots.

Yvette Cooper immediately says she is going to arrest illegal migrants and put them in the prisons that are now full.

She also announces that they will be deported straight away.

Sorry Yvette - that was tried by the previous Government only to be opposed by you.

There in now more than 10,000 illegal immigrants in our prisons but are being kept there by left wing lawyers pleading their human rights.

Come on Government departments - confer with each other and stop making idiots of yourselves.

Once again we see such incompetence in a short time of taking office by this incompetent Government.

T J Ryder,




Overgrown York: well done parish council for taking a stand

I AM pleased to see a parish council is at long last taking action over hedges that have reduced pavement width from two pedestrians wide to just one.

There are many occasions when elderly people need support when walking on pavements, and the supporting colleague is obliged to walk on the road because some inconsiderate home owner doesn't consider people using the path outside their house.

Either the appearance of the hedge is more important than the pedestrians, or it never occurs to them that there is a problem.

Of course it's difficult when the original hedge planter has stupidly planted it on the boundary line.

But full marks to Earswick Parish Council for taking a stand.

Let's hope CYC follow suit.

Brian Ledger,




Such political hypocrisy

LABOUR'S cabinet members earning more than £130,000 per year but feel the need to claim their personal heating costs on expenses paid for by the taxpayer, yet quite happy to deny ten million pensioners a meagre £400 allowance, have to date made no comment on this differential.

Could it be there is no explanation to justify such blatant political hypocrisy?

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



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