A York woman raised over £5,000 to help beat Parkinson’s after being diagnosed with the disease.

The Press previously told how Sue Garland walked 100 miles across the whole of May as she refused to let the incurable condition – in which parts of the brain become progressively damaged over many years – get the better of her following her diagnosis during the Covid lockdown.

And now the 71-year-old, from Kexby, has revealed that she raised £5,689 for the York branch of Parkinson’s UK, a charity working to find a cure for the disease, through the challenge.

Sue completed her challenge one month after the death of her husband Ken. The well-known York businessman died peacefully aged 87 in York Hospital. His son Tim described him as his “hero” and the “fairest man I ever met”.

“We had always planned to take up the challenge of walking 100 miles in May to support Parkinson’s UK,” Sue said. “And then, at the end of April, we were devastated to lose my wonderful husband Ken.

Sue Garland presenting the cheque to the York Parkinson's UK branchSue Garland with Lorna Edmonson and Linda Constable (Image: Supplied)

“But rather than abandon our plan, all the family decided that we’d make it a memory walk, revisiting all the places in and around York which represented our life together over the years.

“I am so grateful to all the family, friends and business colleagues who have contributed.

“Ken was associated with many local charities, and it was wonderful to be supported by those he had worked with over the years.”

Sue praised the “friendship and support” of the York Parkinson’s UK group, saying: “It has helped me and people like me, who are affected by Parkinson’s, to keep active and engaged and I hope that our donation will enable many more people to benefit.”

'Mum’s determination inspired us all to join in'

Her son Tim added: “Mum’s determination to complete the 100-mile challenge inspired us all to join in.

“Dad would have been so proud that we found such a positive way to celebrate his life.

“We’re grateful to all the volunteers who organise the meetings and activities of the York Parkinson’s Group.

“Mum particularly values the friendships she has made through the Parkinson’s singing group.

“We hope that the funds we have raised will encourage the group to continue their work.”

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Lorna Edmondson, chair of the York Parkinson’s Group, said: “Susan’s courage and perseverance in the wake of losing Ken has been amazing.

“Our local group is run entirely by volunteers who either have or care for someone with Parkinson’s.

“All those who have contributed are sending a message of encouragement to everyone involved in the group and are helping us to reach out to more people in York who are affected by Parkinson’s. Thanks to you all.”