Farndale Show has been declared a triumph - despite an early battering from Storm Lilian.

The storm, which blow in last Friday, left all the tents damaged with the main marquee having all three large tent poles snapped in two.

James Thurtell, a member of the show committee, said: "Were the good folk of Farndale defeated ? Where do you find three vintage marquee poles at short notice ? In true Yorkshire style there is always someone who has something “that might come in handy one day “and sure enough three old telegraph poles appeared and were fashioned into excellent new tent poles.

"A call was put out for helpers and the community rallied round on Friday and Saturday so everything was back on track. The show Committee are hugely grateful and would like to thank everyone who pulled together to make the day such a success , a true testament to Community Spirit, and a bit of 'band' Baler twine).

"On Show Day the weather was kind to us and there was a very good attendance , entries to many classes were up on last year and it was great to see many new exhibitors taking part.

"It makes all the hard work worthwhile to see so many people really enjoying themselves whether it be a small child winning a rosette for their pet dog , someone winning a trophy for the first time or just wandering around taking it all in listening to the band whist having an ice cream."

"The show's President this year was Cath Featherstone who has been involved with the Show all her life, she said she found it strange to be the guest of honour for the day instead of running around doing things as usual .

"It really was a special day put it in your diaries for next August Bank Holiday Monday."