I am pleased to see Rachael Maskell MP visiting York allotments (City’s gardeners praised in annual awards, August 26). The allotment holders deserve praise.

However, the overall state of York’s allotments is not all good.

There are many neglected plots on some sites. One in Acomb’s heart is a disgrace, with less than 10 per cent properly cultivated.

Too many allotment holders turn up once, poke the ground, and leave the allotment to fend for itself.

Management committees fail to terminate their tenancies. The result is overgrown and unattractive sites where no-one wants to start a plot. Wildlife benefits are all very well but the main purpose of an allotment is to grow food.

Overgrown sites are at risk of development for housing or other purposes.

Allotment gardening is a great hobby and a good way to keep fit at far less cost than gym membership.

While there are well run sites in York too many are not. So how about an award to the allotment society that does most to raise the overall standard of its allotments? Many need urgent attention.

Roger Backhouse, Upper Poppleton, York