Hundreds of ducks took to the waters of a North Yorkshire river last weekend.

The popular Boroughbridge Duck Race on St Helena Bridge also proved another winner, with crowds enjoying the spectacle and £700 was raised for good causes in the area.

The annual event last Sunday was hosted by the Tap On The Tutt public house on Bridge Street, which used to trade as the Three Horseshoes.

Chief Duck launcher, Susie Winder said: “Around 450 ducks were launched along Peggy Beck, they travelled down a waterfall with a race to the finish line at the other side of the bridge. 


“It was a fun morning for all, with lots of people coming out to support the event - even guest appearances from Donald and Daisy Duck.”

The prize giving ceremony for the lucky winners was held at The Tap on The Tutt afterwards. 

The event raised £700 for Boroughbridge Community Charity which exists to support the residents and community of Boroughbridge and it's surrounding 32 villages.