A MAN who was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease at just 55 has completed a 10,000ft skydive to raise funds for charity which has supported him.

Rich Carr, who lives in Old Malton, said his journey with Parkinson's Disease began in 2019, when he began experiencing a lack of fluidity of movement in his right arm and wrist.

He said: "After many visits to the GP, on what was thought to be a tendon issue, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the start of 2022.

"This came as a bolt out of the blue, and I realised that I knew very little about Parkinson’s, which is the world’s fastest growing neurological condition. Reading up on the resources at Parkinson’s UK in the weeks following my diagnosis helped to put things into perspective.

Rich, who is now 58, added: "I started on low doses of medication, which have gradually been increased to a point where, in the summer of last year, I finally managed to see significant improvements in my symptoms. I’m in the early stages of my Parkinson’s journey, but I'm positive about the situation.

"At the start of this year, I decided that I wanted to do a Tandem Skydive to raise funds for Parkinson’s UK, since this Charity was a source of support for me when I was first diagnosed. The funds also go towards vital research into treatments and ultimately a cure."

Rich said he had never done anything like this ever before.

"My condition is fairly well controlled by medication, so I wanted to do take on this challenge whilst I’m still able to.

"I was told that exercise can be as effective as medication for my condition, so I keep active by dog walking, boxing training at a Parkinson’s class in Scarborough and I’m also taking swimming lessons to improve my technique and build my confidence in the water."

The skydive was postponed a couple of times due to bad weather and a plane fault, but eventually went ahead on August 16.

Rich said: " Strangely I wasn’t nervous at all. The team at Skydive GB at Grindale, Bridlington did a great job organising the event.

"I had never done anything like this before, so I was determined to enjoy it and take in the view of the coastline on the way down.

"Nothing can prepare you for the free fall from two miles at 125 mph, but it was phenomenal. In the words of Tom Petty, I was “Free Fallin”!"

Rich added: "My fundraising target was £1,000, which I thought would be a stretch, but that has been smashed and the current donations total over £2,600.

"The support and best wishes for throwing myself out of a plane from family, friends, neighbours, ex colleagues etc. has been overwhelming, with everyone's encouragement and donations, you’ll help create a brighter future for those affected by Parkinson’s Disease."

Anyone who would still like to sponsor Rich can do so at https://www.justgiving.com/page/rich-carr-1709639687022