Older people and their contributions to society will be celebrated at an event in York.

The city will mark the International Day of Older People – a United Nations designated day raising awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by ageing populations – on Saturday, September 28.

Professor Dianne Willcocks, convener of the York event, said she is “absolutely committed” to showing the contributions older people make to daily life.

“The driving force of this [event] is to show that we’re here, we’re alive, we contribute,” she said. “Notwithstanding the fact that we’re not always appreciated for what we do, we contribute substantially to civic life.”

Professor Dianne WillcocksProfessor Dianne Willcocks (Image: KIPPA MATTHEWS)

Prof Willcocks added: “I think ageism is one of the hidden ‘isms’. It’s subtle in many ways, it’s the invisibility of older people.”

She explained how older people can struggle with aspects of modern life, like the reliance on technology and the internet to perform daily tasks like collecting pensions.

Therefore, it is important to have this celebration to “show off” their achievements in the community, while also raising awareness of the difficulties they face, Prof Willcocks said.

Event 'is very much a collaborative effort', says convener

The International Day of Older People has been celebrated in York for the past three years.

It requires a lot of planning, Prof Willcocks said, as it involves a range of organisations, including City of York Council, York Theatre Royal, York Art Gallery and York Museum’s Trust.

York Older People’s Assembly is the main organisers, working in partnership with Age UK York, Older Citizens Advocacy York, Parkinson’s UK and more.

“It is very much a collaborative effort,” said Prof Willcocks.

On the day itself (Saturday, September 28), at 12pm the parade will march from a “butterfly festooned” York Theatre Royal, Prof Willcocks said, where those involved have been busy making butterflies for the event.

From there, marchers – holding butterfly banners, symbolising “evolution and wonder” – will head to Museum Gardens, then back towards St Helen’s Square where they will be greeted by the Lord Mayor of York and the Sheriff at 12.45pm.

Older people take part in an activity by Dementia Forward as the city's International Day of Older People returns this monthOlder people take part in an activity by Dementia Forward as the city's International Day of Older People returns this month (Image: Special Day Films)

Meanwhile, music and activities will take place in St Helen’s Square by Parkinson’s UK.

At 1.30pm there will be a performance by improvisation act Playback Theatre at the Theatre Royal. There the audience will pick the theme of the show.

“It could be about anything – it could be about why York is a fantastic city to grow old in, which it is,” Prof Wilcocks said.

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There will be a tai chi demonstration on the Pavilion Lawn in Museum Gardens at 2.30pm.

At 3pm at the Theatre Royal will be a masterclass by the Silver Swans, an older people’s ballet group from York.

And at York Art Gallery there will be a painting workshop, where attendees will learn to make William Morris-like wallpaper.   

For more information, visit: https://www.yorkassembly.org.uk/idop/