A pair of York students are taking on a major challenge in aid of a cause close to their hearts.

Charlee Dransfield and Nathan Woodhead, who both study at York St John University, have entered the Great North Run in aid of The Mental Health Foundation.

The couple said they chose the cause as it is both dear to them personally.

"As students we both see a lot of people around us struggle with their mental health," Charlee said.

"In my first year of university I lost a family member who struggled with their mental health.


"It’s something I wanted to help people with and we both believe needs support."

On Sunday, September 8, they will both take on the 13 mile race. Charlee added: "Nathan has always been quite athletic and has played for a lot of football teams.

"I’ve never really been a runner.

"At the time I was going to the gym quite a lot and I saw that the ballot was open and I thought I’d sign up."

Charlee said that her main aim on Sunday is to "finish in one piece", and continue to raise money for mental health.

Nathan's fundraiser can be found online here and Charlee's, online here.