A York 10-year-old has taken home a gold medal for Team GB.

Evie Wilkinson went to the Biathle European Championships in Madeira, Portugal, in July this year. She managed to come in fourth place, and contributed to Team GB winning the gold medal in the team event.

Evie and her sister Lily, aged 12, take part in Biathle along with their mother Helen Wilkinson.

The sport derives from Modern Pentathlon, and consists of a 400 metre run, into a 50 metre open water swim, followed by a final 400 metre run.

Evie and her mother Helen in Madeira (Image: Supplied)

"It’s very unforgiving because everyone’s going full pelt," said Helen.

Helen, who's a runner herself, had the sport mentioned to her by a friend. Her two daughters ended up taking part after she found out there was a children's section.

She said: "I’m rather bias but I used to watch them and think they look really natural in the water.

"The girls train at York City Baths Club, they have always loved swimming."

Biathle events at Evie's age start and end with a 400m run (Image: Supplied)

After succeeding in a qualifier event in Blackpool earlier this year, Evie was invited to the European Championships. The team event she was taking part in had the rules that only the top three finishers on their respective team could contribute to the medal chances.

"I think Evie went into the qualifier not really expecting to make the team, so I think she was pretty shocked," Helen added.

"In Madeira she had such a good race she came fourth in the race, and top three in GB, and so she got a gold team medal."

Helen went on to credit the influence of fellow Team GB competitor, and teacher at Bootham School, Jacob Butterfield.

Evie celebrating with Mr Butterfield (Image: Supplied)

She said: "There wasn’t much going on at school initially, but Mr Butterfield arrived, and he picked up that they’re good swimmers and recommended they go to York City Baths Club.

"He was actually out in Madeira with us competing, he's been really helpful and actually introduced the girls to open water swimming."

Both Evie and her sister Lily continue to train swimming and are looking forward to the new season. Helen explained they chose to miss out on the qualifying event for World Championships last year, but hope to take part this year.

"It will be tougher this year because it’s a two year age group, she’s in year 6 but will be racing against year 7s," Helen said, "but she’ll give it a good go."

"She just loves it, she doesn’t seem to get too nervous, she just really enjoys it and has loved this summer."