A YORK village primary school is looking for new pupils.

Elvington CE Primary School is set to hold an open morning next month.

The school will open its doors for parents and carers of children from birth to 11 years of age on Thusday, October 3 from 9.30am.

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Head teacher Andrew Buttery said: "We welcome children, their parents and carers into a friendly, nurturing, hardworking and exciting environment where respect for others and positive attitudes towards work and behaviour are firmly embedded.  Relationships throughout the school are fundamental to the positive ethos that is created. 

"We offer a relevant and exciting, broad and balanced curriculum where children are encouraged to be independent thinkers and make informed choices about their learning. 

"Also weensure a wide range of experiences, especially through educational trips, music, sport and the performing arts and consider the skills of communication, numeracy and literacy to be the foundation for our learning and we are proud of our standards and achievements.

"At school we encourage all parents and carers to come in at every opportunity, whether it is to talk to teachers about their child’s progress, see their child achieve and perform, to be part of our social events or to discuss openly and honestly any concerns or difficulties their child may have during this first stage of their educational journey.

"We listen to the views of our pupils and parents and use them to shape the strategic direction of the school.  We firmly believe that we can achieve greater things through partnership and that working together, we can all achieve success."

Elvington CE has 124 pupils on roll who mostly come from the village itself and neighbouring villages.

As well as achieving a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted inspections consistently since 2007, the last inspection having taken place earlier this year, Elvington students have performed above the national average standards in reading, writing, and maths.

To register please contact the school office: 01904 555280 or office@elvingtonprimary.org.uk