A middle-aged man is now a convicted sex offender after molesting a young woman.

Married man John Agnelo De Sousa, 58, grabbed the woman by the jaw and held it as he kissed her and tried to "snog" her, said David Hall, prosecuting.

He also touched her sexually. 

She had never given him any indication she wanted an intimate relationship with him, said Mr Hall.

After the incident finished, she fled in tears, told police and De Sousa was arrested within hours.

De Sousa, of Wains Road, Dringhouses, pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

He was put on an 18-month community order with 24 days’ rehabilitative activities and will be on the sex offenders’ register for the next five years. He is now also barred from working with children or vulnerable people.

In a personal statement, the victim said she now doesn’t feel safe with older men on her own.

De Sousa did not have a lawyer. He told the court he was the only breadwinner for his wife and family and also supported his parents “back home”. York Crown Court heard he came from India.

He just wanted to support his family, the court heard.