A YORK artist has ‘surprised herself’ by holding a solo exhibition over 40 years after first being featured in The Press for her work.

Helen Harding, 73, from Warthill, has been painting since she was a child and is hosting her first solo exhibition at the City Screen, in Coney Street, after her art was first featured in The Yorkshire Evening Press when she was in her 20s.

Helen said she had been painting for as long as she could remember, adding: “It was my mother who said from being small, you were always happy with a paint brush in your hand. I can’t seem to shift it – I’ve still got the bug.”


After attending university as a mature student, she balanced her work as an artist with raising her two daughters. Her work led to multiple exhibitions, forming an art group, and undertaking courses to build up her knowledge.

Helen said: “I have had work in joint exhibitions in venues in York and wider afield and have a shop on Etsy, Helen’s Creative Studio, but this is the first time I have held a solo show.

“With the City Screen, I’ve known they’ve done art exhibitions for quite a few years, and I’ve always thought ‘how you get to do this?’

Helen's first feature in the Press - back in 1980!Helen's first feature in the Press - back in 1980! (Image: Provided)

“I popped in and asked and they gave me the manager’s card. She came back to me and said send me an email with some of your work then after I did that, she asked which dates I would like.”

She added: “The morning that we hung the exhibition was interesting – I had two helpers with me and the staff from City Screen were walking along looking at the work saying they liked it.

“I’ve been painting for so long, so it’s been fascinating seeing all of my art throughout the years – it’s a look into the history of what I did all those years ago. I did that big floral painting, those two of Chicago – it’s interesting how my subject matter has changed over the years.

The teddy bear sitting on Helen's easel The teddy bear sitting on Helen's easel (Image: Provided)

“One thing I’ve done all the way through however is the miniature teddy bears. I started doing those around 1990 and I’ve still got that little teddy that I did the first ones from and I still use him. He’s one of my daughter’s bears, that’s what got me started.

“The most recent was the York city one – I fretted it may be copyright, so I rang them, and they said absolutely go for it, so I did.

“I love the idea that this little Teddy will play any sport. He enjoys all sorts including cricket, golf, tennis, snooker, bowls, skateboarding, and of course, football. I have many pictures of him in action - he’s definitely hoping to be signed for York City!”

After receiving a grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund via North Yorkshire Council, Helen was able to better establish her presence as an artist online and hopes the show will help to bring more attention to her work.

One of Helen's paintings which is being shownOne of Helen's paintings which is being shown (Image: Provided)

She continued: “I’ve been up at least once a week to check on things. I’ve seen families walking past with children and my neighbours give me feedback – I didn’t know you painted like that and similar stuff.”

All Helen’s past experience is showcased in her exhibition and the pictures are for sale both in person and through her website: helenhardingartistyork.co.uk  

The exhibition runs until Saturday, September 13 in the upstairs gallery at City Screen, Coney Street.