CELEBRATIONS are underway at a York village school after a visit from inspectors.

After their most recent inspection earlier this year Elvington CE School the Ofsted team found that school, which has 126 pupils, continues to be rated 'good'.

Inspectors found that 'teachers revisit prior learning at the start of lessons and regularly check pupils’ understanding. Staff make sure that resources and activities are of a high quality to help pupils learn. Teachers present knowledge clearly. They use subject-specific language that develops pupils’ vocabulary and builds their understanding.'

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Head teacher Andrew Buttery said: "We are extremely proud that Elvington ‘continues to be a good school’ and acknowledge that this positive outcome is testament to the care and commitment of our staff and Governors, the support of our parents and carers, and of course a celebration of our wonderful children.

"The Ofsted report recognised that ‘pupils’ behaviour is very good’ and that ‘pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), flourish and achieve well’.

"The report recognises that ‘the school values highly pupils’ wider development’ and that the ‘staff teach ‘the whole child’.

"The inspectors considered the quality of education that we as a school provide, stating that ‘leaders have designed and implemented a bespoke curriculum that is broad and balanced and matches the needs of mixed-age classes. Leaders have set out the key knowledge pupils need to know, from early years to Year 6."

Head teacher Andrew Buttery with a pupil at Elvington CE SchoolHead teacher Andrew Buttery with a pupil at Elvington CE School (Image: Supplied)

When it comes to what the school needs to improve, inspectors said that in some subjects, such as science, the sequence of the curriculum does not start from early years and as a result, some teachers do not know precisely what essential knowledge and skills pupils should learn in early years to prepare them for their next steps. 

Mr Buttery said: "As a school, we will endeavour to improve in the area identified in the report and from our own continual evaluation.

"We are excited to continue on our journey as a school to further improve the education and experiences we bring to our children, and the role we play in the wider community. 

"Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank all our children for being exceptional ambassadors for our school; the staff for their hard work and dedication; the parents and carers who either spoke with inspectors or provided feedback online; the governors for their continued guidance and the education team at City of York Council for their support and direction. We remain committed to providing the very best holistic education for our pupils and community."

To read the full report go to: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50244285