A REVIEW is undwerway into controversial changes to child bus tickets in the city.

As The Press reported last week, back in July First York decided to remove their monthly child bus tickets, and with the new school term now underway parents said the changes will leave them out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of pounds.

But now, after a meeting with York Outer MP, Luke Charters, the company has said it will look again at the decision.

A First spokesman said: "I can confirm that in a meeting with Luke Charters we did agree that we'd look at a further review."

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Mr Charters said: "Over the past few days, my inbox has been inundated with residents contacting me with their concerns about the decision to cut the 11 - 16 monthly bus pass. 

"Since the announcement I have had numerous conservations with First Bus about this decision and relayed residents understandable concerns.

"At the end of last week, I met with First Bus and I am pleased to say that they have confirmed to me they are looking at a review.  

"I have also relayed my concerns about the lack of communication, as I know this decision came as a shock to many residents especially given the start of a new term. 

"As your member of parliament, I will always encourage more eco-friendly methods of travel."

Luke Charters has asked for a reviewLuke Charters has asked for a review (Image: Supplied)

First say the decision was made to scrap the ticket as it didn't exist in other parts of the country and parents with children travelling to school in York continue to benefit from the £1 child single fare, which means a cost of £10 per week, which is slightly lower than the new child week ticket costing £10.50.

But parents have said the removal of monthly passes for children has placed an unexpected financial burden on many parents, who now face increased transportation costs for their children’s daily commutes to school and other activities.

Parent Ruth Inkley is one of those affected. She said: "For me personally, with two children at secondary school, it will cost me the equivalent of £91 per month, having to purchase weekly tickets. Previously it was £60 per month."