York coach and communications consultant Karen McMillan is staging three ‘Confidently YouTM’ workshops carefully curated for women keen to build confidence, elevate their communication skills and thrive in business.

The first half-day workshop, ‘Ground your Confidence’, is on Wednesday September 18th at Middlethorpe Manor, York, from 9am to 1pm.

The session will focus on how to: Reduce stress in group situations with grounding techniques such as tapping and visualisation; Use body language to boost confidence and make meaningful connections; Manage your energy type to be at your best in any group setting; Feel empowered and connect with like-minded women.


The remaining two workshops will run in subsequent months and are designed to tackle the relationship with our inner self-critic and imposter syndrome, as well as how we can improve our communication with others to build meaningful connections.

Karen explains: “Having recently launched my own business and ventured into the networking circuit as a means to forge credible and valuable business connections, I came across more and more people who admitted to finding it nerve-wracking, daunting and even intimidating sometimes.

"That experience really resonated with me, and I wanted to provide a safe space where women could explore what being confident means for them and how they could bring that into their networking experience.

"Entering a room full of strangers and striking up impactful conversations doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. The more authentic we feel and are, the more positive and supportive networking can be.”

Karen added: “Each workshop will help you build stronger connections with your body, yourself and others, enabling you to make meaningful and genuine connections.

"By embracing your unique self, you’ll connect with the right people in ways that support both your personal growth and business development while forging mutually beneficial collaborations, partnerships and opportunities.”

Sign up to the workshop at EventBrite.