Foxton's Garage in Piccadilly: York history lost forever

YORK'S Piccadilly is changing apace.

Today, our archive photos takes us back to 1939. One shows Foxton's Garage in Piccadilly, York (thanks to York Explore libraries archive for the photo).

Foxton's Garage was a part of York life from the1930s until 1975.

Foxton's Garage in Piccadilly, York, in 1939. Image from York Explore libraries archiveFoxton's Garage in Piccadilly, York, in 1939. Image from York Explore libraries archive

Even after its closure, its presence was still felt for many years because a gable wall on the south side of the building - which later became a pine furniture shop - retained the Foxton's Garage company name and logo which was painted in light blue lettering on a cream background.

This piece of colourful wall art became one of York's precious 'ghost signs' - old or faded lettering on buildings which hold memories of businesses long gone.

The Foxton's ghost sign was exposed briefly in 2019 during the demolition of its next-door building to make way for the new Hampton by Hilton hotel.

Even after the hotel was built, you could still see the Foxton's ghost sign on a gap between the hotel and the gable end of the furniture shop.

Sadly, today that gable end and the furniture shop have been demolished as part of the remodelling of Piccadilly and with it the iconic Foxton's 'ghost sign'.

A bit of York history lost forever.

In happier news, many of York's precious ghost signs survive today.

And a project is underway to record them for posterity.

It is quite a challenge as it is reckoned there could be up to 100 ghosts signs in York.

The project, which is supported by Historic England, also includes mosaics, sculptures and lettering on business premises.

Some of the ghosts signs are images of faded advertisements for beers, shops and even an old ambulance station.

The images have been 'digitally documented' on a public blog and website.

Prominent paintings include the massive advert for Nightly Bile Beans in Lord Mayors Walk - now an iconic landmark in the city.

Piccadilly in June 2023 - you can just make out the Foxton's Garage ghost sign on the sid eof the former pine furniture store. The building and sign is now long gone. Image from Google Street ViewPiccadilly in June 2023 - you can just make out the Foxton's Garage ghost sign on the sid eof the former pine furniture store. The building and sign is now long gone. Image from Google Street View

Another important York ghost sign is the striking black and white sign for FR Stubbs Ironmonger at the bottom of Fossgate, on the building which was once the Loch Fyne fish restaurant.

Also much loved is the preserved sign for TM Oxtoby & Son Decorators Paperhangers Decorators on a shop front in Fishergate, facing the busy gyratory of the inner ring road. The frontage is Grade II listed - meaning it has been protected over the years and will be for generations to come.

Hopefully, unlike the Foxton's ghost sign, these pieces of local history will live on for future generations to enjoy and spark interest in the York of yesteryear.

Find out more

For more old photos of York, do visit the city council's Explore York archive (

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