WORKS from talented artists across York are being showcased in the city centre.

Participants in Dandelion Arts' ‘Creative Ways to Wellbeing’ project have produced works for the exhibition named ‘I Wish’, now showing in York Explore Library and Archive in Museum Street until November 28.

The National Lottery funded project by the group offers engagement for community artists living with mental health issues via in-person sessions, or the door-to-door delivery of packs of art materials by those who run the group.

Examples of the work on display in the exhibitionExamples of the work on display in the exhibition (Image: Kevin Glenton)

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Creative director Katie Matthews said: “Since the last exhibition, participants have been going on a much more personal journey through their own avenues, which has meant less focus on a specific theme for this one.

“'Creative Ways' continues as a work in progress, where we’re showing what we are – no more and no less is required.”

The exhibition runs until November 28The exhibition runs until November 28 (Image: Kevin Glenton) Showing the participants’ work in the centre of York supports the themes Dandelion Arts curates in 'Creative Ways'.

Katie said: “It allows people to follow their journeys and follow the patterns of the city.

“We’re dropping into other areas and other organisations to see that they’re doing.”

'I Wish' is the second Creative Ways exhibition at Explore York Library'I Wish' is the second Creative Ways exhibition at York Explore Library and Archive (Image: Kevin Glenton) York Art Gallery is one of those areas, providing inspiration for this exhibition.

There are brightly coloured teacups and saucers on top of the window ledges in between the works on the café walls in the library, and the ceramics are shown in ‘The Yorkshire Tea Ceremony’ display in the gallery in Exhibition Square.

The group has been inspired to celebrate tea for this exhibition, drawing on York Art Gallery's permanent collectionThe group has been inspired to celebrate tea for this exhibition, drawing on York Art Gallery's permanent collection (Image: Kevin Glenton)

Katie said: “That collection celebrates tea, and making a brew is one of the first things we do when we meet as a group, so we linked in with that by designing our own teacups.

“We’d also seen there's 'The Art of Wallpaper' exhibition there this month (from September 27) and the art packs that will be going out to participants include wallpaper to connect to what’s happening there too.

“The art is the start and it ripples out in other areas of all our lives.”

‘I Wish’ – a 'Creative Ways to Wellbeing' exhibition curated by Dandelion Arts is showing at York Explore Library and Archive in Museum Street until November 28.