UPDATE: Police say they have made contact with the two men they wanted to speak to in connection with a series of harassment incidents in and around Commercial Street in Norton.


TWO yobs have been causing distress to residents in a North Yorkshire town.

The county's police say they want to speak to two men in connection with a series of harassment incidents in and around Commercial Street in Norton.

A police spokesman said: "It has been reported that the individuals allegedly caused distress to residents on 10 occasions between June 30 and Tuesday, September 10.

"The latest incident happened at around 2.30am.

"If you recognise either man or know where they can be found, please email the investigating officer in confidence at kate.dennis1@northyorkshire.police.uk."

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference number 12240129841 when providing details.