A stunning street display has been painted in the centre of Harrogate.

Harrogate BID has funded the mural by professional artist Sarah Marsh to highlight the town as a must-visit destination.

The mural, situated on a blank wall on Albert Street, alongside Hotel Du Vin, is part of the BID’s objective to create pride in the town.

BID manager Matthew Chapman said: “A previously bare, unused wall now features a dazzling new display which is far more pleasant to look at and will catch the eye of passers-by.

“Sarah has done a fantastic job and we’re positive this amazing new artwork will brighten up this key street in our town. I’d like also like to thank the team at Hotel Du Vin for allowing us to deliver this project on their site.”


The artist, Sarah Marsh, said she has received some lovely comments from the public while working on the project.

Sarah said: “Everyone seems to be really positive about it - and said how much of a difference it has made and brightened the place up. I'm very grateful for all the support.”

Harrogate BID has further productive plans for new street art installations and other public realm campaigns in the near future, moving into 2025.