It's expensive being brainy in this country!

TWO of York’s major industries are tourism and ‘studentism’.

Which is the more lucrative for York?

I wonder what is York’s student density? Not that York’s students are dense; I’m sure they’re very clever, but you know what I mean.

However, regarding not just York students but students all over England and Wales; how do their university tuition fees compare with European counterparts?

There’s talk of increasing those charges where numerous universities are in the red?

It’s expensive being brainy here!

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive, York


Junior doctors' dispute settled at a price

IT'S good news that the junior doctors strikes have after several years finally been settled with a 22.3 per cent pay rise over two years, a base pay from £32,400 to £36,600 and at a bargain price of only costing tax payers £ 1.7 billion.

But what happened to the Hippocratic Oath in particular the part " first do no harm" .

I realise the junior doctors were in a difficult position trying to negotiate with an intransigent government but, how many people died and how many people suffered unnecessary pain and illness because of their actions?

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Driving fast is worst

ALTHOUGH many motorised vehicles now have to move at snail's pace through York there is a further problem with driving fast. The run-off from tyre friction is polluting and is worse the faster the vehicle is moving.

Rose Berl,

De Little Court,

Vine Street,



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