Why is council prioritising Rowntree Park over Hull Road Park?

I'VE lived in York all my life and for 60 years lived close to Hull Road Park. I recently went for a trip into the park with my son and got the shock of my life as the beck is all overgrown with trees hanging over the beck. There was very little water and no ducks to be seen.

City of York council should be ashamed of themselves for letting it get into this mess.

But it also beggars belief that the council is prioritising Rowntree Park over Hull Road Park - so can someone from the council please explain to me why this is happening?

Mrs E Trapps,

Alcuin Avenue,



Brexit again and tax imbalance

I TICK in agreement the first two contributions to your Letters page in The Press on September 17 on Brexit and taxes.

Most people, not just in York but across the country, must rue the day the UK ‘voted’ to leave the EU, and then the day it actually happened. Whether this sorry state of affairs some years down the line is reversible is tantalisingly imponderable. Certainly, I can’t ponder it.

Regarding a relative tweak of the tax paid by the very rich, they'd hardly notice it but to the rest of us, and the country at large, it would make a significant difference.

Some cogently-made points in the second letter, ‘Small tax on wealth’, which I wish Labour would embrace in a ‘Labourly’ fashion.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



Keep digging

HAS Chancellor Reeves hired the use of a JCB, for whenever Labour discover a hole they love to keep digging.

Since taking office two months ago the £22b black hole must have nigh on doubled thanks to massive pay increases dished out like freebies at a Labour Party sponsored banquet.

Peter Rickaby

West Park



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