A Harrogate brewery has produced the best overall beer at the York Beer Festival.

Baby Faced Assassin from Roosters Brewery was declared the winner following judging by CAMRA experts and guests.

Initially, they began testing dozens of ales just prior to the Wednesday lunchtime opening of the festival at Lawrence Church.

These were whittled down to six, including two stouts and four pale ale/ IPAs, for some guests also to judge, including the York Press.


The beers were tasted ‘blind’ in anonymous bottles so you would know which beer you were drinking.

Some judges felt that personal preference may have some impact, though others did notice that the range of beers in the finals meant this may not have been the case.

Competition organiser Nigel Craddock said: “The idea is we are trying to test them to be the ideal for the style of beer.”

The beers were tested on their aroma, initial taste, final taste and overall pleasantness.

(Image: NQ)

Judges agreed, myself included, that the flavours of stronger beers tend to come through, especially if the beer starts getting warm.

A fruity stout was popular with some but not others.

Meanwhile, the victorious  Baby Faced Assassin, was enjoyed by many, and I suspect that is also one of two that in my opinion I marked as joint winner.

Baby Faced Assassin, which is brewed in Harrogate’s Hornbeam Park, is a 6.1% IPA made from 100% Citra hops. Promised are aromas of mango, apricot, grapefruit & mandarin orange, along with a lasting, juicy, tropical fruit bitterness.

Nigel said of the brew: “It’s a traditional IPA. It’s got flavour. It’s a strong beer without being overpowering.  It’s a classic and it has been around a while because people like it.”

Brew York also performed well, with it earning Gold and Silver in the 4.1% to 4.4% category for its Bronx pale ale and Tonkoko Milk Stout.

Nigel says Tonkoko is popular and well-known, helped by it having many derivatives over the years.

Competition success typically helps fuel sales of the beers at the festival, and it was great to sample some of the winners.

However, the festival has a range of 200 ales from across the UK and mainland Europe, along with cider, perries, mead and wine. A focus this year is selling beers not usually found in York, to give drinkers something different to enjoy.

Nigel added: “We have quality beers throughout.”

The York CAMRA beer festival runs from 12-noon to 11pm daily until Saturday.

The winners are as follows:

Upto 4% ABV: Gold winner was Pace from Brass Castle, Barleys Angel from Rudgate took Silver.

4.1% ABV to 4.3%: Bronx from Brew York took gold and Brew York’s Tonkoko Milk Stout took Silver.

4.4% to 4.7%: Holy Moly from Wilde Child took Gold, with Silver going to Trainspotter from Half Moon.

4.8% to 5%: Golds to both Aurum from Yorkshire Heart Brewery and Admiral Cherry Stout from Jolly Sailor.

Above 5% ABV: Baby Faced Assassin from Roosters took Gold and Silver went to Shankar IPA from Half Moon.

Overall, Baby Faced Assassin from Roosters took Gold, with Holy Moly from Wilde Child taking Silver and Bronze going to Aurum from Yorkshire Heart.