North Yorkshire Police is warning young drivers to stay safe on the roads after revealing that the number of those killed in accidents remains high.

The force said that around a fifth of those who died or were seriously injured due to car crashes in 2022 were young people.

Young male car drivers aged 17 to 24 are four times as likely to be killed or seriously injured compared with all car drivers aged 24 or over, a spokesperson added.

Over the next two weeks officers will be cracking down on ensuring young people are driving safely on roads across North Yorkshire.

They will also visit schools and colleges in the region.

There have been 20 fatal crashes in North Yorkshire in the first eight months of this year.

“Our ambition is for the number to be zero,” a North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said.” Although it is still 20 too many, compared to the same period from the previous year, thankfully, the number has fallen.

“Behind every serious or fatal collision is a family that is devastated by the loss of a loved one and the ripple effect which it has on all those involved.

“Road death is not acceptable, and this is why road safety is one of our strategic priorities.”

Inspector Clive Turner from the force added: “We will be out and about across North Yorkshire to engage with younger drivers to highlight the fatal five and remind them of the responsibility that they carry for their actions behind the wheel.”