A noisy neighbour was among defendants sentenced recently at York Magistrates Court.

George Gears, 33, of Queens Street, Withernsea, pleaded guilty to carrying an axe as an offensive weapon in public in Foxwood.  He was given a 12-month community order with 120 hours’ unpaid work and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Stephen Paxton, 45, of Wains Road, Dringhouses, pleaded guilty to failure to attend court and possessing alprazolam  He was given a 12-month community order with 15 days’ rehabilitative activities, fined £207 and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs.

Craig Michael Owston, 44, of Apollo Street, central York, pleaded guilty to two charges of breaching a noise abatement order at his home.  He was fined £160 and ordered to pay a £64 statutory surcharge and £100 prosecution costs.  His speakers and stereo were confiscated. 

Stewart Brown, 45, of Catherine Street, Doncaster, pleaded guilty to theft of a bottle of gin from Marks and Spencer in York city centre. He was given a four-week prison sentence suspended for 18 months on condition he does six months’ drug rehabilitation and 10 days’ rehabilitative activities and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs.