The Yorkshire Women in Business Group (YWIB) reports much praise from its first-ever conference, which took place near Leeds last week.

The YWIB Group Committee, a division of the Yorkshire Society, was created in April when six Yorkshire businesswomen came together with a vision to create a business group for Yorkshire women, regardless of their background or current career status, where they could talk, support and connect with each other.

The committee members include businesswomen from all four of the areas of Yorkshire - North, South, West and Humberside - from different backgrounds and industries.

They are Helen Weeks (Co Chair) of HW Coaching Flourish and Evolve; Sarah Loftus (Co Chair), the Managing Director at Make it York and Visit York; Lois Kirtlan of Hetty & Betty Restaurant and Venue; Minoti Parikh of TPL Experiences; Pauline King, the Regional Employment Director at Reserve Forces, Ministry of Defence, and Jackie Cooke, the CQ Strategic Marketing and Equality in STEM.


As well as networking, the day also included a keynote presentation by Valentina Hynes of SVH Inc; workshops by Jo Tomlinson of Business Works, and Helen Weeks of HW Coaching Flourish and Evolve; as well as a much-enjoyed game of Yorkshire Women Bingo.

Committee member Lois Kirtlan said: “With over 100 attendees registered, you expect a drop in numbers on the actual day, especially with a free event, but the turnout was fantastic.

“We had women from all walks of life and all stages of careers, from across Yorkshire. The energy in the room was incredible.

“All of the Committee members are volunteers, who are passionate about supporting other women in business, and to get such a positive reaction from the attendees is just wonderful.”

Committee member Minoti Parikh said “I’m so proud of what we have achieved, considering we started our journey as a group only a few months back!”

Committee Co Chair Helen Weeks said: “We’re really looking forward to carrying the energy created and connections made forwards, to increase and reinforce the support for Yorkshire Women in Business.”

Attendees were quick to share their experiences from the day on social media.

York-based freelance web and graphic designer Lucy Rigley said: “Thanks for organising Helen & everyone else - I really enjoyed it - especially moving around groups I met so many lovely ladies and it was nice to speak to people from outside my normal comfort zone (York).”

Beverley Holmes - Membership Development Executive, West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Enjoying meeting new business owners at The Yorkshire Society #wib” .

l You can sign up to stay up to date on news and events from The Yorkshire Society Women in Business Group at

Details of the next events for the Yorkshire Women in Business Group can be found on The Yorkshire Society website: and in their free LinkedIn group: