Disgraceful to blame patients for cancer delays

IN response to the article in The Press, September 20, titled 'City's GPs find people sitting on cancers' - what a disgraceful and insulting headline from GPs and Health Watch, York.

How dare they blame patients for not coming forward early enough to be diagnosed with cancers.

It is practically impossible to get an appointment with a GP, by telephone or online. Patients are having to tolerate serious illnesses and pain due to the fact that GPs are virtually unavailable.

Stop blaming Covid, stop blaming patients and the elderly population for goodness sake.

Apart from the excellent services of 111 and the A&E that are having to take on GPs patients, there seems to be absolutely no hope at all.

The fact is people are suffering and dying from pure neglect - it's so immoral.

Christine A Windass,




Are York's bollards not able to cope with heavy rain?

RE: the report that one of the £ 3.5 million bollards installed in York is out of action.

So, the one outside the Boyes/ Cross Keys in Goodramgate, York is now inoperative.

I thought with that amount money outlay the system would have been more robust.

I believe the culprit for breakdown was a little dog I witnessed trying to kick the post down with its back leg - or at least I think that's what it was trying to do!

Or alternatively perhaps 'shock, horror' - the bollards aren't intended to be left outside in heavy rain.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




How long are we going to support Ukraine?

´FOR as long as it takes’. These words and similar phrases have been uttered in answer to the question, ‘For how long will you support Ukraine in its struggle?’

Messers Johnson, Sunak, Starmer, Biden and Harris and others have all said much the same thing.

Yet even the most supportive countries tend to drag their feet, and when they do so Ukraine is left a step behind.

One example is the situation where Ukraine seeks authorisation to use USA/UK-supplied long-range missiles to their full extent to attack military and strategic targets deeper inside Russia. Is it time to bite that particular bullet before it’s too late?

With this in mind what does ‘For as long as it takes’ mean? Do the relevant leaders even know? In their minds what is the ‘it’ in this expression so easily tripped off the tongue? Do they each have a crystal ball?

Meanwhile the Middle East conflict and its wider implications inevitably plays into the hands of Russia with its invasion of Ukraine slipping down the news agenda and assuming a lower priority.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,


...IT seems it’s alright for Putin to use long range missiles that hit hospitals, schools and civilian populations but when Zelensky asks for similar missiles to hit Russian air sites both America and the UK have refused.

Such hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Unless we help Ukraine Putin will win this war. So Lammy, stop procrastinating and give Ukraine the weapons they need to win this war.

Ann Cruickshank,

Laund Road,

Salendine Nook,



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