If they were ruling a ship a pedalo would be way beyond them

AFTER watching the Labour Party conference I am still at a loss as to their intentions or policies regarding helping the country make progress in domestic and world issues.

Keir Starmer made the worst speech that has ever come out of any political conference.

All we learned was that he could play the flute and a lady wanted to throw him down a staircase and to many people they wish she had.

Rachel Reeves came up with no policies whatsoever except she would still steal from the pensioners and unfortunately not from the non doms as they have all left the country.

If she wants to learn about budgeting let her learn a lesson from the millions of pensioners who she so obviously dislikes because they have to do it every week on their pension which she steals back every week.

Angela Rayner has no clue about construction or planning and if she wants to build 1.5 million houses I suggest she buys a big Lego set.

David Lammy deserves no comment because he does not have clue about anything.

Yvette Cooper said she will stop illegal migrants but has not come up with any ideas yet. She did say that her job was to uphold law and order so woe betide anyone who voices forceful dissent against the Government, she will brand them right wing thugs and remove hardened criminals from our prisons to make room for them.

That is on the orders from Dictator Starmer.

All in all the biggest debacle that has ever graced the stage of British politics.

If they were ruling a ship a pedalo would be way beyond them.

T J Ryder,

Acomb, York


At last - a Home Secretary fit for purpose

IF anyone could light up a Labour conference it would have to be our fantastic Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper.

After 14 years of the Tories destroying our country and letting crime rule the roost, at last we have a Home Secretary fit for purpose ready to bring about the change our country so desperately needs.

Tory commissioners like Donna Jones and former Home Secretaries like Suella Braverman can try all they like to put a spin on their failures but all we had from the Tories for 14 years was talk and dog whistling and pandering to the political right.

So I say thank you and fully welcome the newly proposed respect orders set to be rolled out in 2025 to keep anti social louts off our streets.

I also welcome the enabling of police to seize and destroy dangerous off-road bikes more quickly. Thus replacing the need for warning after warning under the current failing system.

And I welcome Labour's manifesto pledge to introduce 13,000 additional police and PCSOs, with guaranteed local patrols, and a taskforce to tackle robberies carried out with knives.

The Tories were all talk. As Change Begins, Labour is all action.

Geoffrey Brooking,

Saxley Court,

Havant, Hampshire


Fantastic job

I'M pleased to report that the fallen tree spanning the river Foss near the Monkgate Roundabout has been removed after an epic effort by the tree fellers.

The removal involved machines to drag the tree out of the River, cutting the tree trunk into manageable lengths, shredding the smaller branches and removal of site, finally the pavement was reinstated.

A fantastic job and all within a week of the tree falling.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,



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