The search is on for 30 North Yorkshire farms to see how they can cut their carbon emissions.

York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, in partnership with NFU Energy, is offering fully funded assessments aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving farm efficiency.

Funded by North Yorkshire Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, farmers will receive tailored assessments designed to meet the unique needs of their operations.

These include energy audits to identify ways to reduce consumption and lower costs, renewable energy feasibility studies exploring options like solar or wind power, biodiversity assessments to improve farm habitats, and soil carbon analysis to evaluate soil health and assessment of carbon and organic matter.


Each assessment is geared toward supporting farm decarbonisation, offering practical, actionable recommendations to help lower GHG emissions while promoting long-term economic resilience.

The project aligns with York and North Yorkshire’s Routemap to Carbon Negative by 2040 and the North Yorkshire Council’s Climate Change Strategy, both of which focus on reducing emissions across all sectors, including agriculture.

David Skaith, the mayor of York and North Yorkshire, said: “York and North Yorkshire’s farmers already lead the way in many aspects. We have high standards of food production and we’re also ambitious on the environment.

“With more than 70% of our area used for agriculture, farming has a big part to play in our ambition to become carbon negative by 2040. But we also understand the financial pressures that farmers are facing today. So, this initiative offers cost savings with environmental benefits.

“By partnering with NFU Energy, we are helping farmers improve their productivity and efficiency by working with them to embrace low carbon technology, embrace natural resources and create more resilient, sustainable food supply chains.”

“We know that farmers are motivated to reduce emissions but often need clear, practical recommendations they can implement. That’s exactly what this project provides,” added Lisa Howkins, Sales and Marketing Director at NFU Energy.

The opportunity is limited to 30 farms across North Yorkshire, and farmers are encouraged to register their interest by October 25 to secure a spot. The service is fully funded and designed to be as straightforward as possible for busy farmers, with NFU Energy handling all aspects of the assessment.

To express interest or learn more, farmers can contact NFU Energy by emailing or call 024 7669 6512.