Askham Bryan Wildlife Park near York has announced the arrival of four slender-tailed meerkat pups.

The four are born to proud parents Lenny and Crookshanks, who were welcomed to the park in July.

The four baby meerkats excited staff when they were spotted exploring out of the burrow for the first time towards the beginning of September.

Their parents had only just arrived in late July from Woburn Safari Park in the West Midlands.


Deputy Animal Sciences and Conservation Manager Tilly said: “We are thrilled to announce the birth of these four Meerkat pups! When we introduced Lenny and Crookshanks together, they got on incredibly well and would not leave each other’s side - With a short two-month gestation, we were eagerly anticipating the arrival of babies!”

The new arrivals have spent the last two weeks in their purpose-built burrows, getting stronger each day. Meerkats are born blind and without fur and need two weeks being cared for by the parents before they’re strong enough to leave the burrow.

It’s too early for the park to know what gender the babies are yet but they will soon be ready for their first check ups and the park can name them.

The new arrivals can be seen during the park’s weekend and school holiday openings.

To find out more about Askham Bryan Wildlife Park or book tickets, go to: or via social media @abcwildlifepark