An independent panel that reviews pay allowances to North Yorkshire councillors has proposed a pay rise linked to the rate of inflation.

The panel has proposed that the basic allowance for a member of North Yorkshire Council be set at £17,340 for the upcoming financial year.

Currently the basic allowance is £17,000.

The panel claims that the increase would bring member allowances into line with the annual consumer price index rate of inflation to June 2024, which is two per cent.

The proposal will be considered by members of North Yorkshire Council's executive on Tuesday, October 15, before recommendations go to the full council for a decision at its meeting on Wednesday, November 13.

The leader of North Yorkshire County Council, councillor Carl Les, said: "As ever, I would like to thank the independent panel for its work and for looking at this important issue."

If approved, the proposed two per cent increase in the annual basic allowance will result in an increased annual cost of £30,600, taking the total cost to £1.56 million.

The panel has recommended a freeze in special responsibility allowances paid to councillors who take on additional duties.

However, it has also proposed a special responsibility allowance of £1,879 for each vice-chair of the six area committees and the new development plan committee, an amount that it says will be offset by a recommended reduction for councillor members of the police fire and crime panel.

The proposed special responsibility allowances would see a net increase of £2,698, meaning an overall total annual amount paid of £33,298.