Park and ride with insufficient parking spaces

I THINK the answer to the traffic problems expected around the Christmas period near the York Designer Outlet could easily be alleviated with a park and ride service from another park and ride park to the park and ride at the Designer outlet.

What a stupid idea to build a park and ride with insufficient parking spaces to be fit for purpose.

The busses are caught up in the queueing and so no timetable is effective. Stupid.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Applications please

RUSSIA and Iran are saying they are going to cause mayhem in Britain. Sorry to disappoint them but the post is already filled by Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves.

Applications for posts in 10, Downing Street available from the Labour Party Headquarters.

No experience needed.

Wealthy donors looked upon favourably.

T J Ryder,




Put pressure on for peace

SO how come all these wars are going on when no one seems to want them?

Where's the push coming from?

It's not coming from ordinary people. An anti-war march in Israel on 22nd June, 2024, was attended by over 150,000 Israelis calling for an end to the Gaza war, demanding new elections, and giving strong criticism of Netanyahu and the Israeli Government.

These weren't pro-Hamas marches, just as similar marches in London and other parts of the UK are not pro-Hamas marches.

On 25th March, 2024, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza - going further than the "humanitarian pause" the UK had long been pushing for. (The United States abstained from the vote.)

Globally, it would seem, the balance is against wars and one would imagine if states were more economically and financially independent and less coerced by certain superpowers, there would be near unanimous rejection of war.

Mass movements of ordinary people across the world must organise peaceably to pressure their governments to reject all wars, and to disinvest in arms manufacturing and arms sales. Armies, as such, in my opinion, should solely protect domestic borders and cease in all foreign imperialist ventures.

Only when the voices of ordinary people have an equitable place at all the negotiating tables replacing those representing private corporate "tyrannies" (as Noam Chomsky has rightly labelled them) and their attendant lobbyists who wield much more power than they truly deserve, will we have any chance of fashioning a society based on humanitarianism rather than militarism cum profit mongering.

Louis Shawcross,

Inns Court,

Royal Hillsborough,

Co. Down, N. Ireland


What sort of job is this?

INSTEAD of sending Sue Gray (formerly Chief of Staff to Sir Keir Starmer) into the real world to find employment she has been appointed “Special Envoy for Regions and Nations”, doing exactly what is yet to be translated into layman’s language.

Many will rightly guess she will have licence to poke her nose into matters of which she has no right, but at great bureaucratic cost to the taxpayer, it could be described as a “freebie” of a job. Now that’s a novelty, Starmer giving and not receiving.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



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